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What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?


Author Topic: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?  (Read 25506 times)

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Besides Sonic, which is something we can unfortunately never escape from. I was wondering do anyone has other gaming genre that they take a huge passion in. Me personally, I'm a big fan of basically any Aksys Game, Kindgom Hearts, Burnout, and metroid games as I find them very enjoyable. Its something about their Gameplay that i find myself coming back to on a daily basis
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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2015, 02:33:14 am »
I'm definitely a fan of the Persona series (moreso the style used in Persona 3 and 4 than the one from the prior games), and I'm disappointed that I won't get to play the 5th one due to lack of a modern Sony console.

I like a few franchises that have their roots on the original PlayStation. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Crash Bandicoot, and Spyro the Dragon were a huge deal to me when they were new. I haven't really gotten into the newer entries in these series, but the older ones have a special place in my heart.

I'm a sucker for first-party Nintendo franchises as well. I play Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong Country games all the time.

I also enjoy Puyo Puyo and Tetris, although I'm only mediocre at each.

Ace Attorney is awesome and you should all play every game in the series because I said so.

Lastly, I've acquired a taste for tabletop RPGs, partly due to my lucid dreaming hobby; it's fun to fit how I act in such dreams into a game where those actions accomplish things. I can't claim to have played or DMed much due to being unable to maintain a constant group of interested friends (although that may be changing), and I've only played D&D 3.5e and Pathfinder so far, but my interest seems to be increasing and I may explore more avenues for this sort of thing.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 12:37:13 pm by Thorn »
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Offline theultimategamer95

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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2015, 03:05:20 am »
Franchises except for Sonic I take a huge passion in eh? hmm...

- Tekken
- Ratchet & Clank
- Harry Potter
- Rayman
- Guitar Hero (yes, I still play this occasionally. problem?)
- Partially Pokemon (still play it, but don't take it anywhere near as seriously as I used to.)
- Sanic (Kappa)

I feel I have more, but I'm too lazy to think about it right now.
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Offline FocusSight64

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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2015, 06:54:19 am »
A series I wish to get back into that I haven't in a while is the Professor Layton series. I love that series through and through. Solving puzzles like the ones in the games is thought provoking and timeless.
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Offline InferSaime

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2015, 07:26:17 am »
Well when I was younger I enjoyed and played the Tony Hawk games a lot. And of course I had a pokemon phase, smash bros phase, call of duty phase. Though lately I've been playing Europe Universalis 4 a lot.

Offline chainchump

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 09:30:59 am »
I absolutely love the Uncharted Series for the Playstation. All the games are amazing. I also love the 3D Zelda titles as I grew up playing them: not so much the 2D games though as I don't find them as enjoyable :D

Offline hfactor66

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2015, 11:07:42 am »
Call of Duty, but more specifically, COD Zombies, Exo Zombies & Special ops.
I have 3 top 100s on PS3 MW3 Special ops,
3 round 100+ solo games on BO1, all on Ascension, (101, 119 & 124) and
2 round 100+ solo games on BO2, all on Buried. (109 & 124)
I'm decent at Exo Zombies, best round so far is 34. I'm more in it for points than rounds cuz the leaderboards are based on points this time & not rounds.
Rings are my specialty.

Offline Vallkyr

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2015, 12:40:07 pm »
F-Zero. What can I say, I like going fast. I'm not even that much into racing games but F-Zero is too good. GX is my favorite, followed by X and Climax.
Other franchises I enjoy : Smash Bros, Golden Sun, Super Monkey Ball (1 and 2 are the only ones I've played though). And of course the obvious ones like Zelda and Pokemon to some extent.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something but yeah, that's mostly it

Offline Cream147

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2015, 12:48:50 pm »
I hate to be incredibly boring but Mario and Zelda. Cliché maybe, but there's a reason why these series' are so highly regarded.

Professor Layton and Ace Attorney are two other big loves of mine.

Offline Etch

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2015, 02:41:05 pm »
The mario kart games where they save your lap times.

Offline Fosho

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2015, 12:38:42 pm »
Blazblue, Metroid (at least as far as the 2d ones are concerned), super smash brothers (though I lost all interest in the most recent game), Jak and Daxter, Donkey Kong Country and the PS1 Spyro the dragon games.

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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2015, 07:59:18 pm »
My interests lie mostly in specific games rather than franchises, but I'm generally quite fond of platformers and I used to be really into mmorpg's. I do have some franchises I have a big interest in though. The GBA Golden Sun games rank as some of my all time favourites (still want to try the DS game as well when I get the chance) I'm also a sucker for Kingdom Hearts
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Offline TimpZ

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2015, 08:55:36 pm »
Total War, The Sims, Fallout, Pikmin, Dungeon Keeper, Hitman, Sid Meier's anything, Portal, Jazz Jackrabbit, 3D Metroid (other than M), Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Megaman (8-bit), Dino Crisis and the classic Resident Evil games (not 4 and up). More or less.

Offline SqwareEcks

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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2015, 11:27:20 pm »
I've been into Mario, Mega Man, Castlevania and Zelda since NES days and I still play them from time to time. In middle and high school I would play pretty much any Squaresoft RPG I could get my hands on (including my alltime favorite Xenogears), but when Final Fantasy 8 and Chrono Cross rolled around I hated them; I forced myself to finish FF8 but quit the series afterwards and couldn't even bring myself to finish Chrono Cross (and deeply resent the way remakes of Chrono Trigger have repeatedly retconned it).

I also snapped up anything I could find that was localized by Working Designs (both Lunars for Playstation and Magic Knight Rayearth for Saturn) as I am apparently one of like six people who aren't bothered by the pop culture references in their translations. I wish they'd been able to get Grandia. I even recorded all the Lunar 2 outtakes onto my computer using a ghetto-ass recording setup consisting of a set of headphones plugged into the (mono) headphone jack on my TV, held up by hand to the onboard mic on my computer, recording into Windows Sound Recorder, which could only record in 60 second increments so for the characters with a lot of outtakes I'd have to stop, start a new file and then resume recording where I left off.

I was way, way into Guilty Gear and Melty Blood for a while in college, but I don't even combo so I was never very good at them or any other fighters (although I have beaten Melty Blood ReACT on very hard mode with most of the characters.) I also really loved Viewtiful Joe and wish it would have gotten more of a chance from Capcom and the public at large. Also like everyone on earth in the late '90s I was crazy about Goldeneye and Smash and sunk hundreds of hours into them.
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Offline Vixuzen

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2015, 05:00:53 pm »
-Rayman (1, 2, 3 and GBA titles)
-Pokemon (Main and Mystery Dungeon series)
-Crash Bandicoot (1, 2, 3, Wrath of Cortex, Twinsanity)
-Spyro (1, 2, 3)
-Marble Blast Gold (Playing on mod "Marble Blast Platinum)
-Mario (Mostly Super Mario games)
-Gothic (1, 2, 3)
-Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask FTW!)
-Mafia (1)
-Super Smash Bros (Brawl and 3DS)
-Ratchet & Clank (1, 2, 3, Gladiator)
-Tekken (5)
-Sonic (No sh*t Sherlock)

Offline RigidatoMS

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Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2015, 06:48:17 pm »
Soccer games, btw. As an example, Fifa World(which is free for PC). Sometimes I play Mario and TLoZ, but it's super rare to happen.
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Offline Anon7906

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2015, 02:41:51 am »
I'm a fan of the 3D Mario series, with Sunshine being my favorite.
I like Smash.  Melee is the one I like the most.
I'm a fan of Mario Kart.
I like StarFox.

I love Rayman 2 and 3.
I guess you could say Madworld and Anarchy Reigns are a franchise?  I like those.  AR consumed my life for about two years straight.
I really like futuristic racers, my favorite games/franchise in this category being: Wipeout, Rollcage, F-Zero, Extreme-G, and Rush 2049.

I don't play many JRPGS.  I do have some favorite franchises in the category.

The Grandia franchise has my preferred battle system.  Grandia II is my personal favorite.
I got into the Atelier series starting with the first version of Rorona on the PS3.  I hated it and Totori blew me away by comparison.  Ever since Totori I've been hooked on the series. 
Both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are great to me.  I like Chrono Cross more.

I like sports games.  Both Basketball and NFL games are a yearly staple to me and my friends to this day.  My personal favorites are:
NBA Live 95, 2004, 2010
NBA Street (I like the series as a whole, but love 2 the most)
NBA Ballers
NBA 2K series

Madden series
Tecmo Bowl
Super High Impact
NFL Blitz
NFL 2K series (may it rest in peace)

I like actual racing games as well.  Arcade-style preferred.

Need for Speed (Porsche, HP, HP2, U1, U2, MW, HP 2010).  HP 2010 is my favorite.  Once you get drifting down, the game is therapeutic. 
Hydro Thunder (The whole Thunder series is good, but I like Hydro Thunder the most)
Sega Rally
Daytona USA 1 and 2.  We had a local arcade and that was the only two games I'd touch for the most part.  I got torn away for Marvel from time to time...

When it comes to fighting games, I like them but suck at the inputs.  Almost any fighting game I can watch and be entertained, but traditional-style 2D ones are too confusing to me.  Unconventional fighters, however...

Smash series (already mentioned)
Power Stone series
Virtual Fighter series
Anarchy Reigns (already mentioned)
J-Stars Victory Vs (I hope the western release gets more people to try this game out.  It's really good.  Most people base their opinion of this game with videos on Youtube of people playing it that have no idea what they are doing and are making it look bad.)

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Offline mintandroid

Re: What Kind of Game Genre (Franchise) are you mostly Interested in?
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2015, 05:10:11 am »
Racers and platformers have been my main interest ever since I can remember, really, but I like just about anything.
Mario Kart, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Rayman, NiGHTS, Legend of Zelda, Jet Set Radio, just to name a few.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 06:42:03 am by mintandroid »


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